Sunday, April 4, 2010

21st Day - Easter in North Western California

Easter Sunday was mostly spent driving in the pouring rain and yes snow. The timing of the less than ideal weather conditions was good though as I had planned to do a lot of driving versus sight-seeing today. I am hoping for better weather tomorrow.
Temperature range was 34F to 56F. These temperatures were a far cry from those posted at home though, 70-80F range.
Total to date in mileage for both of the cars is 5547 miles which equates to an average of 264 miles per day, still within my 250-300 miles.
I stopped at a place called Dutch Brothers Coffee today. They are little stands that are drive-up only. It was started in 1992 by two brothers that were formerly dairy farmers. The drive-ups are limited to the west coast only, however. The coffee was pretty decent.
I hope that everyone had a great Easter.
It is night night time in Northern California.
Seeing the Redwoods tomorrow along with yet another new state Oregon, weather permitting.
The Traveller

1 comment:

  1. We had a great Easter, thank you. The kids looked really nice in all their new clothes and they sang in church. Nice day at Mom's afterward. We hoped you might call so we could all talk to "The Traveler"!!
