Thursday, April 29, 2010

45th Day - Rest and Relaxation

The temperature finally rose above 80F today, topping out at 86F. It is nice to have the warm weather again.
I really took it easy today. I spent some time at Wilson's Creek Civil War Battle sight and took in a Minor League Baseball Game at Springfield, Missouri. I really enjoyed the break!
I am off to St. Loo tomorrow.
Well rested!
The Traveller


  1. Glad you could take some time before you "got back on the road again"...

  2. Missed skyping with you last night. I will call you sometime this weekend.

  3. I hope you and Mike have a great time in St. Louis. Check out Union Station. And the brewery. They are close to the ballpark. I could see them as I drove through on Rte. 70. It's nice that everything is in proximity to each other.
