Wednesday, April 14, 2010

30th Day - Three State Day

Temperature was in the low 60s all day with the exception of Lookout Pass where it dropped to mid 50s. It really was a beautiful day.
The number of states has become 20 which includes New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana. All perimeter states with the exception of Tennessee.
I purchased gas at $2.85 per gallon today in Montana, this is $.25 less than I have been normally paying. The speed limits are increasing again as both Idaho and Montana is 75 MPH. This really helps to rack up mileage as I have put close to 800 miles in the past two days.
Weather permitting I am headed for Glacier National Park tomorrow.
Just a note that I have lost an hour to Mountain Time today.
Night everyone!
The Traveller


  1. Hi Dave!

    What a great blog! I was so excited to take a look at it yesterday - I feel like we have been traveling with you!

    It was great to see you during your big adventure! I hope the weather is cooperating and that you are seeing all the great things you wanted to see!

    Keep up the great posts!

  2. You are still 15 cents cheaper than back east. Are you still driving the Prius?
